
Additive Manufacturing

Our LUXBEAM® scrolling solution is a powerful DLP® light engine subsystem for machine builders.

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  • Scrolling or static?

While a static light engine configuration is the established approach to additive manufacturing, Visitech has developed scrolling subsystems that drastically enhance your system’s achievable build area size.

In a scrolling subsystem, one or more light engines are configured in a motion system, allowing the projector(s) to scroll over the build area, limited only by the motion system. Thus, the build volume limitations are efficiently removed.

Stacking multiple light engines in a static array increases your AM system’s efficiency – while stacking projectors in a scrolling motion system removes the legacy volume limitations of additive manufacturing entirely.

Visitech’s state-of-the-art DLP®-based subsystems will facilitate precision, volume, and industrial robustness without compromise for your next machine build.

Light engines ideal
for scrolling applications

Light engines ideal for
static / stacked applications

LRS-WQ Plus Series

A DLP®-based stereolithography subsystem –ideal for high-power static configurations

  • Built on NEOS

Leveraging advanced and functional mechanical design, our NEOS platform is the solid, optimized base for a range of AM light engines. Synonymous with high volume, speed, and resolution, NEOS provides unmatched robustness, reliability, and productivity.

A subsystem for machine builders

The LUXBEAM® Rapid System (LRS) is a professional, high-volume subsystem for 3D print machine builders. Due to the vast build area, 3D print machines enabled with the subsystem achieve a high volume of parts at high resolution.

The LRS has a detailed, documented interface for easy integration into the machine base and software.

The LRS product family is divided into two high-resolution branches:

  • Static printing with a fixed build area
  • Dynamic/scrolling system with a vast printing area
  • High Throughput Capability

    The high UV- or IR-power in the image, combined with high data throughput, real-time image processing, and high frame rate DLP technology, supports machine configurations with state-of-the-art throughput.

  • Resolution

    High Resolution

    The LRS is based on the patented optical multiplexing technology, creating the optical performance and environment that enables sub-pixelation during motion.

  • Money saving

    Low Cost of Ownership

    DLP, LED technology, and laser light sources provide a system with a superior lifetime and low cost of ownership.

End-of-life (EOL) products

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