
Direct Imaging Lithography

Our LUXBEAM® system is a powerful subsystem for machine builders.

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The industry standard.

Maskless Direct Imaging Lithography Subsystem for Machine Builders

The future.

Maskless imaging for manufacturing is the future, ensuring flexible manufacturing, low cost of ownership, no mask, high throughput, high resolution down to 2um L/S, packaged in a reliable and easy-to-use system.

Field proven.

Visitech’s LLS system is field-proven, with hundreds of systems and more than 1,000 photoheads in operation around the globe—a testament to Visitech’s industrial and reliable solutions.

A complete system.

At Visitech, we design, engineer, manufacture, and test our own optics, electronics, light sources, software, hardware, and firmware – to ensure perfection on every level.


Visitech’s LLS system can be utilized within PCB, Soldermask (SM), High-Density Interconnects (HDI), Inner Layer, Outer Layer, Advanced Packaging, and Heterogenous Chiplet tools and machines.

Premium partners.

Visitech works with the world’s premium machine and tool makers because only the best is good enough.

  • With Visitech Inside

With Visitech inside, you get a cost-effective, state-of-the-art imaging solution. We work at the forefront of innovative maskless lithography technology. Partner with us to develop your next-generation tool, enabling you to implement innovative and cost-saving manufacturing processes.