LUXBEAM® Additive Manufacturing Application – LAMA

The unique LAMA control software is built on our core firmware architecture. Operating 24/7 for demanding lithography and AM applications, this solid architecture ensures unmatched reliability.

LAMA features emulation of projectors – reducing development time and hardware constraints. With easy integration, LAMA is a true game-changer in the additive manufacturing industry. And – it’s free of charge!

Proven reliability

Built on Visitech’s robust 24/7 firmware architecture, LAMA ensures reliable and precise control for your manufacturing processes. Its unique virtual projector feature allows for software development and testing before hardware is available, guaranteeing seamless integration and operation. LAMA boosts production quality and efficiency, providing a significant edge in a competitive market.

Virtual projectors

Using LAMA, you can create “virtual” projectors. Virtual projectors are crucial when developing your software to control projectors. The behavior of the LAMA-emulated projector hardware is true to the actual product. Once you are satisfied with your own software running with the LAMA virtual/emulated projector, you can be sure that the actual hardware will execute commands the same way as your virtual projector.

Efficient innovation

With LAMA, your software engineers can start developing software even before having the hardware at hand or make software changes without having the hardware available. This ensures that your development process is faster and more efficient, reducing time-to-market and allowing your team to innovate without the typical constraints of hardware availability.

Embrace the reliability and flexibility of LAMA to stay ahead in the competitive landscape of additive manufacturing.

Get deeper into it: Read the insight interview on LAMA with our Senior Software Engineer!

  • Standard or Pro?

We offer LAMA in two versions. LAMA Standard is typically bundled with Visitech’s projectors and gives you basic motion system control, while LAMA Pro offers more sophisticated features to improve productivity and print quality.

LAMA Standard

  • Basic motion system control
  • Various motion controller support
  • Fully flexible integration with AM setups


Includes the features of LAMA Standard, plus:

  • Subpixelation to improve surface finish
  • Edge blending for seamless stitching of images in large build areas
  • Advanced operation mode
  • Enhanced performance mode

Gain your edge – for free

The LAMA software is easy to integrate and free of charge for our subsystem customers. This advanced control software will boost production quality and efficiency, providing a significant edge in a competitive market.

Ready to scale up your production?

Enable precision and cost-efficiency with Visitech inside.