NEOS: Subsystem brilliance

Additive manufacturing subsystems built on the NEOS platform are equipped and prepared for robust, reliable industrial productivity. NEOS is our state-of-the-art AM subsystem platform, enabling your next-generation DLP® AM machine for maximum performance.

Enduring the industrial demands

The stress on the heart of your image, the light engine, is immense in today’s additive manufacturing world. While bygone rapid prototyping equipment may withstand gentle handling in pristine environments, truly productive additive manufacturing demands light engines robustly built for repeatable quality performance with 24/7 endurance.

Consistent performance

When building subsystems on the NEOS platform, Visitech applies advanced and functional mechanical design – unified in a design language well understood and appreciated in industrial environments, yielding superior, consistent results with perfection.

Higher standards

Subsystems built on the NEOS platform share some unique essentials. They are:

  • Standardized on industrial-grade Ethernet as the standard interface for communication and data transfer
  • Liquid-cooled to maximize power and performance
  • Extensively characterized and calibrated, in detail, for optimal unit-to-unit consistency – even in cost-conscious market segments
  • Equipped with encapsulated optical cores
  • Designed with minimal footprints to encompass advanced stackability
  • Thoroughly developed and tested for maximum robustness and 24/7 operation
  • Resolution

    Bifrost LED light sources

    When it’s all about the quality of light, the NEOS platform subsystems are brilliant. Visitech’s proprietary 5th and 6th generation Bifrost™ LED light sources unleash advanced power output and unmatched, consistent performance for your 3D printing machines.

  • LUXBEAM® Additive Manufacturing Application (LAMA)

    Instead of struggling with diverse software platforms, not uncommon in the past, every NEOS platform subsystem (static or scrolling) comes with the AM-optimized and fully integrated LAMA Standard software – or even the LAMA Pro, which supports more advanced features in scrolling products, such as SPX. Beneficially, LAMA strongly differentiates between video DMDs and industrial DMDs.

Ready to scale up your production?

Enable precision and cost-efficiency with Visitech inside.