DALLAS, Texas, June 27, 2022: Visitech AS announces the formation of Visitech Americas – a new subsidiary for sales, marketing, engineering, and product services supporting the rapidly growing additive manufacturing market in the United States and the Americas.
Keynote Photonics, a manufacturer of industrial projectors, has been acquired by Visitech AS. The assets and staff will transition to new roles in the coming months.
Valuable market accelerator
“The Keynote Photonics team accelerated the explosive growth of the additive manufacturing market and our market-leading, high-performance portfolio of scrolling UV and IR printing subsystems. Our teams have worked seamlessly to create new products and to aid customers in getting their products into the market quickly and effectively,” said the managing partner of Visitech AS, Oyvind Tafjord. Keynote Photonics has developed various DLP industrial solutions for customers in medical solutions, 3D scanning metrology, and advanced display systems that have been used in Olympic ceremonies, DNA analysis, and the first 8K Laser TV.

Full-complementing combination
“We are thrilled to become part of the Visitech team after working closely together for several years,” said Adam Kunzman, founder of Keynote Photonics. “The strengths of both organizations will accelerate our customers’ efforts to create production-class machines that will transform manufacturing worldwide in the years to come. In addition, proximity to our customers with a full complement of manufacturing, engineering, and logistics disciplines allows us to be nimble to the market’s needs”.
SIGNS ARE UP: Visitech’s new USA office is getting the final touches.
About Visitech AS
Headquartered in Drammen, Norway, Visitech provides high-end UV exposure subsystems, enabling state-of-the-art imaging solutions for additive manufacturing, bio-printing, and direct imaging maskless lithography. Machine builders incorporate Visitech’s subsystems into next-generation 3D printers, resulting in high-volume yield and excellent precision. Powered by the industry’s most extensive DLP experience, Visitech’s LUXBEAM® Rapid System (LRS) provides multiple configuration options to suit advanced industrial needs. Powerful UV or IR projectors support stacking and scrolling configurations, permitting innovative development of high detail, high throughput mass production AM machines.
About Keynote Photonics, Inc.
Keynote Photonics is a developer of leading solutions, tools, and processors for photonics applications using MEMS technologies and is ISO9001:15 certified. Keynote is a privately held company. For more information, visit keynotephotonics.com.