Bigger, better, faster

Static light engines have long defined the standards of additive manufacturing.

Visitech disrupts this norm.

Let’s get in touch
  • Scrolling or static?

While a static light engine configuration is the established approach to additive manufacturing, Visitech has developed scrolling subsystems that drastically enhance your system’s achievable build area size.

AM without compromises

Our advanced scrolling subsystems significantly enlarge your achievable build area, enhance the surface finish, and expedite your additive manufacturing with unmatched efficiency.

In a scrolling subsystem, one or more light engines are configured in a motion system, allowing the projector(s) to scroll over the build area, limited only by the motion system. Thus, the build volume limitations are efficiently removed.

Stacking multiple light engines in a static array increases your AM system’s efficiency. However, transferring that idea to a scrolling motion system entirely removes the legacy volume limitations of additive manufacturing.

Visitech’s state-of-the-art DLP®-based subsystems will facilitate precision, volume, and industrial robustness without compromise for your next machine build. Contact us to find out more!

PLUG-AND-PLAY: Visitech’s LRS-MCx motion stage lets you easily embrace scrolling AM.

“This technology lets you build bigger, faster, and smarter, boosting your production capabilities.
The LUXBEAM® scrolling series redefines what’s possible using DLP® in additive manufacturing – driving innovation, volume, and performance to new heights.”

Endre Kirkhorn, R&D Manager

Ready to discuss scrolling AM for your application?

Light engines ideal
for scrolling applications