Showcasing cutting-edge solutions at TCT Asia

Presenting the latest innovations in DLP® 3D printing technology, Visitech significantly impacted the May TCT Asia 2024 exhibition in Shanghai.

Amidst nearly 24 000 visitors and 400 exhibitors, Visitech’s booth stood out with some impactful subsystems for additive manufacturing:

  • The LRS-MCx NIR, designed for maximum throughput in powder bed fusion
  • The LRS-MCx 4K, a breakthrough in true 4K resolution productivity
  • The new cost-performance champion – LRS-Compact+

Compact performance

The LRS-MCx 4K drew attention for its high resolution, particularly in ceramic printing applications. The show’s new star, the LRS-Compact+, sparked interest, as it offers superior value for money with its consistent reliability and performance in DLP®-based additive manufacturing. The Compact+ is built on the robust and advanced NEOS Platform, like our other DLP® projectors for AM, for ultimate industrial reliability—relieving booth visitors’ concerns over DMD lifetime and undesirable service and operating costs.

Capability demonstrations

One of the show’s highlights was the product demos, which provided hands-on experiences showcasing the practical applications of the MCx NIR light engine. These demonstrations effectively illustrated the unmatched powder bed fusion capabilities of our Direct Image Sintering technology, offering a glimpse into our solutions’ real-world value and potential.

Creating opportunities

Our participation at TCT Asia 2024 showcased our dedication to advancing 3D printing technology and provided a platform for us to connect with numerous industry contacts. This engagement opened doors for potential collaborations and future business developments, underscoring our proactive approach to industry engagement and our commitment to meeting the evolving demands of the 3D printing sector by creating images – together.